just graduated?
get ready
for a warmup round
on February 2018
Empowering women is a fundamental responsibility we share as a society, But empowering the creatives of them is a responsibility we must share as an advertising business leadres!
Warmup Creative
The first creative gathering of it’s kind in Middle East aiming to increase the right understanding of advertising business among female fresh graduates who come from design, marketing and communication faculties.
WUP! is the sound of academic institutes working together to achieve mutual goals, the code to every successfull interview of a female graduate with any advertising or creative agency,
with any AD-Man!
For more info, please visit our website www.wupcreative.com
The main goal behind our festival is to help graduates understand agencies mechanism of work with highly focused workshops and creative exercises. That’s why we choose the right academic content for each workshop to make sure we communicate graduates on the same level of understanding, goals and creativity!